Where to find a rental apartment?

When looking for a rental apartment, it's important to consider various factors, such as public transport connections and the overall location in relation to nearby services.
You can find more tips and guidance for searching for rental apartments on our How to find a rental apartment -page.
Additionally, it's always a good idea to inquire about municipal housing options, as municipal apartments are often affordable yet in good condition. Almost all municipalities offer rental apartments. Other rental options can be found below:
- www.a-kruunu.fi
A-Kruunu Oy provides comfortable and affordable rental apartments in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and surrounding municipalities.
- www.asuntosaatio.fi
Asuntosäätiö offers rental apartments in Espoo, Helsinki, Kirkkonummi, Tuusula, and Vantaa. Applications are submitted via an online form.
- www.asokodit.fi
Asuntosäätiö Asokodit provides right-of-occupancy homes, a safe option for a home.
- www.avainasumisoikeus.fi
AVAIN Asumisoikeus Oy offers right-of-occupancy homes in 29 locations.
- www.avara.fi
Avara promises high-quality rental apartments across Finland. Applications can be submitted online.
- www.espoonasunnot.fi
Rental apartments offered by the City of Espoo.
- www.hel.fi/fi/asuminen/vuokra-asunnot
City of Helsinki's rental apartments.
- www.kas.fi
KAS Vuokra-asunnot is a nationwide rental housing company with over 8,000 apartments in 30 locations. Applications can be submitted online.
- www.kodisto.fi
Kodisto, by Newsec Property Asset Management Finland, manages over 30,000 rental apartments across Finland. Find available and upcoming apartments on their website.
- www.kruunuasunnot.fi
Kruunuasunnot offers a variety of cozy apartments in multiple locations. Applications are available on their website.
- www.lumo.fi
Lumo provides high-quality rental apartments across Finland for all life situations. Applications can be submitted online. Explore the Lumo online store to rent an apartment in just 15 minutes.
- www.m2kodit.fi
M2-Kodit offers rental apartments in 30 locations across Finland. All properties are state-supported ARA apartments. Applications are need-based and can be submitted online.
- www.nal.fi
Nuorisoasuntoliitto ry (NAL) offers rental apartments for young people. Apartments are available for those under 29 who are not full-time students. Applications are submitted via their website.
- www.sato.fi
SATO offers both privately funded and state-subsidized rental apartments across Finland. Applications can be submitted online.
- www.setlementtiasunnot.fi
Rental apartments in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Hyvinkää, Turku, Tampere, and Joensuu.
- www.hypoteekkiyhdistys.fi
Suomen Hypoteekkiyhdistys (HYPO) rents its apartments in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen. Kodisto.fi manages their listings and rentals.
- www.asunnot.lahitapiola.fi
Tapiola Insurance offers rental apartments in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and major cities. Applications can be submitted online.
- www.vav.fi
Rental apartments by the City of Vantaa.
- www.vts.fi
VTS-kodit, the largest landlord in Tampere, owns approximately 8,600 apartments in 170 properties across the city.
- www.ymparisto.fi
The Ministry of the Environment website covers topics related to rental housing.
- asunnot.oikotie.fi/vuokra-asunnot
A national listing of rental apartments from various providers.
- www.vuokraovi.com, www.asunnot.oikotie.fi/vuokra-asunnot, and www.asunnonvuokraus.com
These nationwide services aggregate rental apartment listings from various owners, including private individuals, companies, and municipalities.
- www.soa.fi
Students can apply for state-subsidized rental apartments through student housing foundations. Visit the site for links to member organizations' websites.
- Private landlords’ apartment listings are available at www.tori.fi.
Rental agents operate in larger towns and cities. If you decide to use an agent, it's important to pay attention to details such as commission fees and other terms. Typically, agents charge tenants an amount equivalent to one month's rent.
Reading newspaper advertisements is another way to find a rental apartment. Always ensure that the landlord truly has ownership rights or authorization to rent out the property.